Other Helpful Resources
Mums and new parents need a whole village of support and the following links and contacts can help build yours.
Doula Network Australia Directory (you can view many birth and postnatal doulas -you can find me here!) - www.douladirectory.com.au
Specific doulas I work with: Aimee Taaffe: Nurturing Nest (birth and postpartum doula) - www.nurturingnest.com.au
Amanda Bernstein: Essential Me Birth Doula Services (birth and postpartum doula) - www.essentialme.com.au
Australian Breastfeeding Association (breastfeeding support 24 hours & local groups) www.breastfeeding.asn.au
Dr Jack Newman: International Breastfeeding Centre (one of the worlds renowned top breastfeeding experts) -www.ibconline.ca
The Gidget Foundation (supporting the emotional well being of expectant and new parents) - www.gidgetfoundation.org.au
Vivid Chiropractic Hornsby (works with pregnant women and babies once born for optimum spinal and neck health) - www.vividchiro.com.au
Dr Megan Chircop: Body Sculptors Australia (personalised nutrition whilst pregnant and after having your baby) - www.bodysculptorsaustralia.com
Little Sparklers (supporting the education and normalising of normal biological sleep for babies and toddlers) www.littlesparklers.org